Premises liability accidents are, broadly speaking, the kinds of accidents that people experience due to people not taking adequate care of the premises of their own property. While this includes basic issues like cleaning up messes that might cause people to trip, or repairing potential hazards that people might injure themselves on, it also includes some less obvious causes of harm. Here are five unconventional types of premises liability accidents that hurt people all the time:

emergency room sign
  1. Dog bites
    • Dogs can be adorable and faithful companions, but dog owners also carry a responsibility to ensure that their dogs do not harm anyone unnecessarily. Unfortunately, some dog owners do not train their dogs properly, do not keep them on leashes, or otherwise do not take adequate steps to prevent their dogs from biting other people. When dogs bite people due to their owner’s negligence, that is considered a kind of premises liability accident.
  2. Swimming pool accidents
    • Swimming pools can be great fun, especially during the summer when they make for a good way to cool off. However, swimming pools can also be dangerous, with people risking falling around the slick surfaces of the area around the pool, or even potentially drowning in the pool itself. Pool owners are responsible for ensuring a lifeguard is always on duty when the pool is in use, and also for keeping people out when it is not being used, to avoid premises liability accidents.
  3. Criminal activity
    • It doesn’t take a genius to know that criminals can hurt people during the commission of crimes. However, what some people do not know is that property owners have a responsibility to enact safety measures to prevent reasonably foreseeable crimes, such as burglaries, robberies, or assaults. If they do not, the injuries that victims suffer as a result of these crimes may be considered premises liability accidents.
  4. Elevator and escalator accidents
    • Elevators and escalators are common ways for people to get around in public buildings with multiple floors, and most of the time, they work just fine. However, elevators and escalators are just like any other machine, and need regular maintenance to be able to operate safely. When property owners put off maintenance for these machines, they substantially increase the risk of premises liability accidents.
  5. Fire-related injuries
    • No matter how many precautions you take, there is always the risk of a fire occurring. Fortunately, there are building codes in place that are supposed to minimize the risk that fire poses to people, giving them the best chance possible to escape safely. Sadly, though, not every property owner keeps their building up to code, which can lead to unnecessary fire-related injuries, including burns or smoke inhalation. If this happens, you may be able to sue the property owner for any injuries you may have suffered.

If you or a loved one have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you should seek out the personal injury lawyers at Zlotolow & Associates. Our seasoned New York personal injury attorneys bring more than two decades of trial experience to your case. We serve all five boroughs of New York City, as well as Nassau and Suffolk County. Our aggressive personal injury attorneys always demand maximum compensation. We have helped thousands of clients recover through settlements and courtroom verdicts.