Holiday weekends mean travel for a lot of people, so it should not surprise you to learn that times like Thanksgiving weekend can be a bit more dangerous. Auto accidents are more common and hundreds of fatalities are expected during this long weekend each year. If you or a loved one gets hurt while you are traveling, a t-bone accidents lawyer might be able to help you hold any guilty parties responsible for the harm that they have caused.

thanksgiving weekend food

Why Is Thanksgiving Weekend More Dangerous?

Thanksgiving weekend means more crowded roads, more people driving while tired, and more people driving under the influence of alcohol. People can also get impatient and make poor decisions behind the wheel if they are in a rush to get somewhere.

All of these factors come together to make the road just a little bit more dangerous. On top of all this, you also have to worry about the weather turning on you while you’re on the way to your destination.

How Can I Try to Avoid Accidents on Thanksgiving Weekend?

When driving on Thanksgiving weekend you can do a few things to keep yourself safer on the road. You should:

  • Get enough sleep before driving
  • Leave early enough so that you do not need to rush
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Plan out your route
  • Stay calm in traffic

Can I Sue if I Get Into an Accident on Thanksgiving Weekend?

If you do get into an accident and you believe that someone else was responsible for the injuries you have suffered, you can sue for damages. An attorney can help you fight for a compensation offer that makes up for your medical bills, pain and suffering, and any wages you lost while you were staying home from work and recovering.

How Long Do I Have to Pursue Damages?

New York gives you three years to pursue damages after you get injured in a car accident. If you try to sue after that point, your case is going to get thrown out quickly.

That is part of the reason why we recommend acting as soon as possible once you decide to sue for damages. Acting quickly makes it easier for your lawyer to build a case, and the sooner you act the sooner you can potentially win a settlement.

Should I Hire an Attorney?

You can pursue damages on your own, but we do not recommend it. Insurance companies are sure to have lawyers on their side. Our lawyers are experienced when it comes to dealing with these situations, so we can make it easier to build an effective case and hold all liable parties accountable for the damage they have caused.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you get injured in an accident on Thanksgiving weekend, do not delay. Contact Zlotolow & Associates, P.C. to learn more about what we can do to assist you. We are ready to schedule a free consultation for you.