There are always potential dangers on the road, but the winter months can be particularly dangerous for drivers. There are winter driving hazards that can contribute to accidents, causing injuries that result in expensive medical bills. If you get injured in an accident this season and you believe that someone else’s negligence was to blame, you should talk to a New York car accident lawyer from our firm.

winter driving hazards

What Are Some Common Winter Driving Hazards?

There are a few winter driving hazards you should always be on the lookout for, even if the weather does not seem so bad. Keep an eye out for:

  • Slippery roads
  • Storms that affect visibility
  • Snow plows and other large vehicles
  • Icy bridges
  • Animals who might be more active in winter and at night, like deer

You should also remember that days get darker earlier, so remember that when you’re planning any trips.

How Can I Prepare to Drive Safely in Winter?

You can look out for these winter driving hazards, but you should also prepare yourself to deal with them. It’s a good idea to get your car checked out by a mechanic if you think you’ll be driving a lot this season. You can stay safer on the road by making sure that parts like the lights, brakes, and windshield wipers are all working properly.

It’s also important to keep an eye on your tires. All four should be properly inflated, and you can check the tread depth to make sure that each tire offers more than 2/32 inches of depth. Less than that and your car is going to struggle to maintain traction.

Finally, adjust your own habits on the road. Slow down, leave more distance between your car and other vehicles, and avoid using cruise control features on slippery surfaces. It’s also a good idea to check weather conditions and the directions to your destination before you drive.

What Should I Do If One of These Winter Driving Hazards Causes an Accident?

These winter driving accidents cause accidents all the time, but you can’t sue snow and ice for damages. You can sue negligent drivers though. A driver who does not take precautions in winter should be held accountable. If you are convinced that someone else caused your accident, we can help you sue for compensation that covers medical expenses, lost wages, and more.

Should I Hire a Lawyer When I Pursue Damages?

You are not required to hire a lawyer when you sue for damages, but one can do a lot to help you build your case. An attorney from our firm will help you fight for fair compensation and answer any questions that you have about the legal process. Whether you end up going to court or not, you’ll be glad to have someone advocating for you at every turn.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

When you are ready to move forward with a personal injury suit, contact Zlotolow & Associates. We can schedule a consultation and take a closer look at your situation. Then we can tell you more about your legal options and what our attorneys can do to help.