A parking garage can be a surprisingly dangerous place, especially if other drivers are not being careful. Parking garage accidents often occur at lower speeds, but the injuries suffered can still be quite serious. If you or a loved one were injured in such an accident, a New York car accident lawyer from our firm wants to help you.

car in parking garage

How Are Most Parking Garage Accidents Caused?

There are a few causes of parking garage accidents that we see often. Sometimes an accident can be blamed on driver behavior like:

Distracted driving: As they make their way through the parking garage, a driver might not pay as much attention to their surroundings as they should. If they are on their phone, eating, or playing with their car’s infotainment system they can easily cause an accident.

Speeding: Driving too fast can easily cause a parking garage accident due to the tight quarters and blind spots.

General negligence: A driver who doesn’t pay attention to signs or pedestrians can be a danger to everyone else who uses the garage.

Sometimes the parking garage owner is part of the issue though. You may be able to blame them for your injuries if there were issues like:

Poor maintenance: If a poorly maintained part of the garage somehow contributed to your accident, the owner should be held accountable.

Bad lighting: If you cannot clearly see where you are going because lights are burned out or not present at all, that is a safety issue that the owner should have addressed.

What Should I Do After a Parking Garage Accident?

After a parking garage accident, you should take pictures of the scene and any damage to your vehicle. Then you should call the cops so that they can fill out a police report.

Then you should get any medical care that you need. As we mentioned, even low-speed accidents can cause serious injuries. Even if you do not feel as if anything is wrong right now, you should visit a doctor and get checked out.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Putting together a personal injury case and proving negligence can be tough on your own. When you hire a knowledgeable lawyer from our firm, they can do most of the work for you. They can help you build a case and pursue damages by:

  • Securing evidence, like surveillance footage
  • Talking to witnesses
  • Looking into the safety and maintenance history of the parking garage
  • Calculating fair compensation
  • Handling all communications on your behalf
  • Defending you from any accusations of wrongdoing

Contact Our Legal Team

If you are ready to move forward with a personal injury lawsuit, we are ready to help. Contact Zlotolow & Associates to schedule an initial consultation. We can go over the facts of your case and discuss some of your options with you. We look forward to helping you fight for the compensation that you deserve.