It can be tempting to settle a car accident claim quickly and get on with your life. Do you really want to fight with insurance companies or go to court over a car crash? For most people, that answer is no, but there are good reasons to turn down the first offer and seek out more compensation. A New York car accident lawyer from our firm can help you learn more about your options.

car accident claim

Why Shouldn’t I Settle a Car Accident Claim Quickly?

When you settle a car accident claim quickly, you are taking the insurance company’s earliest offer. This is the lowest amount that they think that they can get away with paying you. The insurer is not trying to be fair and make sure that you are getting enough compensation to cover your bills. They are just trying to save money.

Can I Sue After I Settle a Car Accident Claim?

If you settle your claim and realize that you have more medical expenses than expected or that you’ll have to miss a lot of work to recover, what do you do? The answer is nothing. You have no recourse because settling the car accident claim ended the matter in the eyes of the law.

This is why you should wait until you can figure out exactly how much this accident is going to cost you. Then you can negotiate and fight for fair compensation, preferably with the help of one of our experienced car accident lawyers.

How Long Do I Have to Sue For Damages?

You have three years to sue the other driver if you believe that they caused your accident. This means that you have some time to have your injuries evaluated and decide whether or not the settlement offers from the insurance company are worthwhile.

If you do decide to sue, it can be in your best interest to act quickly. That can make it easier for your lawyer to gather important evidence and talk to any witnesses who can help strengthen your case. Plus, the sooner you sue, the sooner you can secure the compensation that you deserve.

What Can a Car Accident Lawyer Do For Me?

Your car accident lawyer can do more than file a case for you and gather some evidence. Our attorneys are used to negotiating with insurance companies and they will do their best to help you secure a fair compensation offer that makes up for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Talk to an Attorney Today

When you hire Zlotolow & Associates, you are going to get a lawyer who advocates for you at every stage of your case. Schedule a free consultation with our team and take some time to learn more about how we can help you with a car accident claim.